Mele Ka-Tiki-maka 2014

Mele KaTikimaka from Sunny (and thankfully warm) California,

We’re here for a quick holiday visit with family and friends. My last blog was about my artist/neighbor/friend Mel who lives in Hawaii and creates picassiette mosaics. Now I’m going to share some highlights of “beach Christmas” in sunny (thank goodness) Southern California!

The beach isn’t as crowded as summer, that’s for sure.

Empty Beaches in December

But the beach lifestyle is in full bloom for the Hoildays. Santa hiding the palms, shiny ornaments swing from branches and porch railings, Christmas trees float on the waters of the bay.

Santa in the Palms














Christmas Trees of Light floating on the Bay.

White Christmas, bah humbug. You don’t need winter snow to celebrate the season in style. You just need to reflect the light and sentiment and set the night aglow to fill your hearts with joy.

May you enjoy the peace of Christmas and the Holidays wherever you are.

Our friends celebrate with the Peace sign every year. Mahalo!

Until Next time,

Aloha from The Tiki Goddess





P.S. Obviously some folks over here wish they were over there…saw these signs on the Boardwalk on the beach.

Wherever you go, there you are.

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