August 19th Book Signing!

Aloha Readers,

Aloha to all of you out there in Tiki land near and far.

It’s time to celebrate the publication of Two to Mango, book 2 of the Tiki Goddess Mystery series with a book signing party!!

Sunday August 19th, 3to 5 p.m., Tahiti Nui Bar and Restaurant…read on for details.

Okay, so the book came out in June, so why wait you might ask? Or not…

We needed to order a box of books. Someone at the publishing house usually straps them on the back of a turtle and sends it on it’s way to Hawaii.

But seriously, this year Belle Books got the copies to me really quickly…but then we had to wait until there was an open date at our favorite venue…a place where we can all congregate…the world famous Tahiti Nui Bar and Restaurant on the North Shore of Kauai.

Some say the “Nui” (as it is often lovingly referred to) is the inspiration for the Tiki Goddess Mysteries…if you don’t live in Hawaii I hope you are  lucky enough to stop by the Nui someday and have a Mai Tai or one of my favorite concoctions…a Liliko’i Margarita.

They say blogs aren’t supposed to run on and on so I’ll get right to the point… IF you are on Kauai and you can stop by…please join us at the Tahiti Nui in Hanalei on AUGUST 19TH, SUNDAY, from 3 to 5 p.m. for some pupus, music, and loads of crazy fun!

No host bar (I don’t sell THAT many books) but we’ll have books for sale if you need one. Or five.

If you need an excuse to put on your Tiki Goddess Garb….(who ever needed an excuse?) then for sure dress up and pretend you are one of the book characters (or maybe you are one of them). Be a Hula Maiden for the day…or you can be the suave Uncle Louie, the devastatingly handsome Detective Roland Sharpe, or you might even want to be one of the victims.

So dust off your leopard print muumuu, your ukulele, and get ready to have some fun island style. Wet your whistle by reading the EXCERPT from Two to Mango…go back to the HOME page and click on EXCERPT.

Hope to see you at the book signing! Have comment or question? Click on Comment below.

Aloha nui,

The Tiki Goddess



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3 Responses to August 19th Book Signing!

  1. Carol Garland says:

    Hi Jill Marie,

    I heard that you taught at Carver in L.B. I was there in the 70′s. Still keep in touch with the teachers that were there.
    My son, Chris Garland started the International Tiki Market at Don’s in Sunset Beach. He may have contacted you about a book signing at their next function.
    Hope to hear from you.
    Aloha, Carol Garland

    • tikigoddess says:

      Hi Carol… wow this is kismet! I just got my issue of Tiki Magazine and read the story about the Tiki Market at Don’s. I even went to the bar when I was over on the mainland on a quick 10 day stay and was bummed I had a flight out before the market. I was wondering about how to be at the market sometime…but I’m only there a couple times a year. Christmas would be the soonest we are there and we have tickets for Dec. 12th arrival. I’ll send you my email on the email I use the most. Mahalo! Jill

    • tikigoddess says:

      Hi Carol,
      Did you get my email sent to your email address?