The Tiki Goddess Is On Her Way!


Now this is how to greet someone at the airport. What's your favorite costume?

Now this is how to greet someone at the airport. What’s your favorite costume?


2 Responses to tiki_goddess_snorkel

  1. Wow – If I come to Hawaii will you greet ME in that getup? I love your site. Years and years ago I was in Boston when you won the RITA for Sunflowers – I remember how gracious you were as you accepted it. Tell me I didn’t dream this – it was you, right?
    Meanwhile, while you are having your adventures in the Pacific, I live in West Palm Beach, FL and am in the process of putting out my backlist. So nice to be back in the game and see familiar smiling faces such as yours. Best, Susan Connell

    • tikigoddess says:

      Hi Susan,
      That was me with Sunflower. Sounds like we made it to the tropics and I’m sooo grateful for my
      own backlist. Best of luck and thanks for stopping by!